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The Pas, Manitoba, Canada

Teacher Adviser Groups

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So I've set up a Pod cast and posted this to my blog. It took some time to get the microphone and headset properties configured, but overall it was fairly straight forward. There are some interesting elements to the Audacity program such as adding effects. While trying to make a test recording I noticed that when I retuned to the begining and tried to record over my previous recording it didn't record over top but recorded simultaneously. This created the effect of it sounding like there were several of "me" talking which was somewhat eerie. I will experiment with having the podcast play automatically when someone views my blog...that could get annoying though.

I am wondering about the applications for the program. Obviously making recordings and posting them to your blog is yet another way to pass on information. This would be quite useful for presentations. the school I am at has a homework hotline which is accessed through a landline. It is seldom used most likely due to the antiqueted technology. I can see a creating a school blog with each teacher peridocally creating podcasts for parents and students to access. Teachers could create a podcast of upcoming events and projects. they could review and edit this information quite easily through Audacity.

Using a web cam