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Monday, October 13, 2008


I've checked out zotero. too bad I never had this tool 15 years ago when I was writing papers in my history courses. It is quite interesting to see the changes that have occured when searching and quoting references. Zotero makes this seem easier to do. I've experimented with zotero when I was researching Cyber-Bullying for a presentation I am doing for the school board. A question I had was how are you certain what the type of web page you are viewing? In other words how do you know if it is a journal, report, publication, etc. ? Is that important?


Glen said...

Hi Kelly,
Good to see your entry here and I'm glad that the BU lockout has ended and we can get back on stream.
Yes, Zotero is pretty amazing. But you are right, it doesn't do the critical thinking about the validity of resources.

I will create a post on the class wiki about the final paper for this class that will also introduce the issue of verifying online resources.

Anonymous said...

Feel good......

Anonymous said...

you first comment "I wish I had this ___ years ago" was exactly what I wrote on my blog!!! What a great tool!

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