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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goggle Docs

I found it interesting when we tried Google docs. Although at first it was a little confusing with people adding and changing text, I do see some practical applications. This would be quite useful in a classroom setting where you have multiple users posting and updating entries. Peer editing is a great way to use this tool. Students could edit each others' assignments. From an administrative stand point, I can see how this would save time and avoid confusion. When I publish a monthly newsletter, there are several staff members who need to contribute. I usually email them and they email me back with their versions and contributions. However, there have been times that they have needed to edit their contributions. I see an immediate use for Google Docs in these situations. By having just the one document, always updated by the staff, there would be less confusion and more collaboration.


~~ Sheri ~~ said...

Newletters....great idea! I will have to bring that to the next staff meeting!


clooke.com said...

Our department is going to institute a reflective practice element to field experience placements. The students will be required to maintain a journal during their placements, and must submit a final paper on their time in the classroom. I have suggested to the field experience coordinator that the students use Google docs. as an instrument of collaboration and a way to share their reflections of seven weeks in the field. He is very receptive to the idea, and may have the students construct a blog in much the same way we have in this course.

Mr.Nagle said...

I have introduced Google Docs to the administration at my school. They think it could be useful when collaborating on documents. It would save them time and paper to make edits, comments, etc. Also, teachers usually submit any letters, etc to the principal before they send them home. If teachers used google docs then admin. could comment on the letters.

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