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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mind Mapping

I've actually seen this before as part of an educational package. When I first logged onto mind mapper, it was slow and a little sluggish. Maybe it is my computer. Whatever the reason I have used these in classes before on a white board. I think students would react more positively to this digital version that can be updated quickly. Students could conceivably add to mind maps outside of the classroom and these could be used as part of their assessment, much like portfolios are used today.

After reviewing this for some time I began to think about how students learn now as apposed to the pre-digital age. Does there need to be an entertainment factor included in our lesson planning as compared to before? Or is the use of technology a natural evolution in how we now gather and process information.

1 comment:

Glen said...

I like working with Smartboard software and it actually works very well. Pricey though, if you don't have access to a free licensed copy. Does your school division use them?

Thinking about your comment about the entertainment factor. Traditional "stand and deliver" style education always seemed to have a performance aspect. Classroom theatre. What do you think?

Using a web cam